On March 8, the Dzyga Gallery hosted the opening of Mykhailo Krasnyk’s exhibition “Tactile Structures”.
Mykhailo Krasnyk is a well-known Lviv artist who has been working in the field of abstraction since the early 1980s. Each turn of his inner evolution is a reflection demanded by the times. Starting once with technical exercises of free-dynamic abstraction with the help of the well-known cultural carrier Andriy Dorosh, he built his unique supra-form: where color, texture, line, spot – reproduce his sensitive corridors of time.
Mykhailo Krasnyk never had an academic education, so his visual ontologism is not clogged with mimesis algorithms. The naive-childish comparison of his grandmother’s embroidery and perspective plans of the landscape opened up for him that “eureka” that Malevich once made a fundamental science out of. Tactile structures are a sensitive experience of vibration on the environment through the categories of the symbolic. In this case, the symbols of objects are their textures or tactile samples, which show these objects in a new synthesis. At the same time, these structures contain semiotic archetypes that extend the time dimension to archeology.
Mykhailo Krasnyk is a good speaker in the realm of the irrational, and this specific language of his: tactile structures – is several millennia older than the verbal one. Today, speaking in the language of the sensual and symbolic is extremely important, because the essential ratio has already compromised itself several hundred times. The oldest meanings do not lie. You should believe Mykhailo.
Text – Bohdan Mysyuga
Source: https://dzyga.com/fotozvit-vidkryttya-vystavky-myhajla-krasnyka-taktylni-struktury/